HOME / BLOG / “The old has to die in order for the new to be birthed.”

I have experienced such sweet and kind visits from you these last couple of weeks as I was in the midst of closing down a beloved brick and mortar business.

How can I leave customers/clients and friends who have been so good to me? How can I leave Gallery Row and my wonderful neighboring galleries who have been so good to me? How can I leave a supportive city which has been so good to me?

It’s not easy saying farewell to 19 years of such a positive chapter of my life, but I am feeling called, driven, and excited about this next season, and I would love to take you with me. I will keep you updated here in this blog and on the Liz Hess Gallery Facebook page.

Vito, neighboring artist and gallery owner, Freiman Stoltzfus’ dog,
who always made a mad dash over to my gallery since he knew
I had treats behind my desk.